The science classes are designed to not only teach the core knowledge syllabus, the scientific “facts”, but also the qualitative thinking skills which are emphasize by the ministry.
The thinking skills taught include the following processes of:
Making hypothesis and weighing scientific conclusions.
The materials in the classes have been selected with an eye to “teaching” these skills. There will be discrete lessons on concepts of line graphs, reading of bar charts besides the application and correlation of scientific concepts to give in variable situations. For example, in the comparing and generating skills, the teacher will teach the use of mathematical-statistic methods of pie charts, flow charts, data keys and tables, concept maps and Venn-diagrams. The identification of scientific process and evaluation will be emphasized consequently through the lessons and the pupil will then find the inference and application questions interesting, challenging, and no longer difficult. Construction and reading of dichotomous keys will also aid to reinforce the concepts and skills of classifying and comparing.
Our approach is designed to enhance the diagnostic approach with a focus on the children explaining why they have chosen a particular response.
Mock examinations will also be held prior to the semester examinations and the children guided through a real examination paper and taught the necessary skills to improve their scores.
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